Wednesday, June 9, 2010

11gR2 Grid Infrastructure Offline Targets

When you do a fresh installation of Oracle 11gR2 Grid Infrastructure (formally clusterware) installation, will notice that serveral resources are offline.
crs_stat -t
HA Resource                                   Target     State
-----------                                   ------     -----   
ora.gsd                                       OFFLINE    OFFLINE
ora.hpc1.gsd                                  OFFLINE    OFFLINE
ora.oc4j                                      OFFLINE    OFFLINE
This is the expected behavior as per "Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide" section 5 and metalink notes 429966.1 and 1068835.1.

Global Service Daemon (10g and above) is to service requests for 9i RAC management clients and therefore when there are no 9i databases present, there is nothing for GSD to do.

Therefore if there's no 9i instances running on the 11gR2 grid you can safely ignore this target being offline.

Secondly ora.oc4j is offline in as Database Workload Management(DBWLM) is unavailable.