Monday, March 29, 2021

Creating a Standby From Backup of Another Standby

A previous post showed the steps for adding a physical standby to an existing data guard configuration. In it the creation of the standby was done using active database duplication. This post shows the steps for creating a standby using backups of another standby. This situation is useful if copying backups from primary to new standby location is not feasbile due to the backup size and geographical distance between the two sites.
Current DG configuration is shown below.
DGMGRL> show configuration

Configuration - dbx_dg

  Protection Mode: MaxAvailability
  ppdbxdb1- Primary database
    ppdbxdb2 - Physical standby database
    ppdbxfs1 - Far sync instance
      ppdbxdb6 - Physical standby database

Fast-Start Failover:  Disabled

Configuration Status:
A new standby instance named ppdbxdb5 is added to the same region as ppdbxdb6 and redo is shipped via far sync instance ppdbxfs1. The post doesn't show the pre-reqs that need to be completed before adding the new standby. Refer the previous post for those steps.
The database duplication in this case is done connecting the auxiliary database. This method is also used before on a data guard creation.
On the existing standby database (ppdbxdb6 in this case) run following to create backups of spfile, controlfile, database and archive logs.
backup spfile format '/backup/spbackup.bkp';
backup current controlfile for standby format '/backup/stdbycontro.ctl';
backup database format '/backup/dbbackup%U' plus archivelog format '/backup/archbackup%U' delete all input;
switch few log files in the primary
sql 'alter system switch logfile';
sql 'alter system switch logfile';
sql 'alter system switch logfile';
and backup the archive logs on the standby
backup archivelog all format '/backup/archbkp%U' delete all input;
Copy the backup files created earlier to a location on the new standby host. Exclude any controfile backups (explicit backups or auto backups) being copied to new location except for the controlfile backup taken above. If not during the duplication, due to selecting a controlfile that has a higher checkpoint sequence following error will be thrown.
RMAN-03002: failure of Duplicate Db command at 03/18/2021 12:04:04
RMAN-05501: aborting duplication of target database
RMAN-05507: standby control file checkpoint (5381793) is more recent than duplication point-in-time (5379510)
Once backups are copied start the new standby instance with nomount option.

Connect to the standby using rman auxiliary connection and run the duplication comamnd. In this case the parameter conversion occurs between existing standby DB ppdbxdb6 and new standby ppdbxdb5. Both these databses are terminal standby as such there's no reference to other databases. Only
rman auxiliary sys@ppdbxdb5tns

run {
allocate auxiliary channel ch1 device type disk;
allocate auxiliary channel ch2 device type disk;
allocate auxiliary channel ch3 device type disk;
allocate auxiliary channel ch4 device type disk;
allocate auxiliary channel ch5 device type disk;
allocate auxiliary channel ch6 device type disk;
allocate auxiliary channel ch7 device type disk;
allocate auxiliary channel ch8 device type disk;
duplicate database for standby
parameter_value_convert 'ppdbxdb6','ppdbxdb5','PPdbxDB6','PPdbxDB5'
set db_name='ppdbxdb1'
set db_unique_name='ppdbxdb5'
set log_file_name_convert='/ppdbxdb1/','/ppdbxdb5/','/ppdbxdb2/','/ppdbxdb5/'
set log_archive_max_processes='10'
set fal_server='ppdbxDB1TNS','ppdbxDB2TNS','ppdbxDB6TNS','ppdbxFS1TNS'
set log_archive_dest_1='location=use_db_recovery_file_dest valid_for=(all_logfiles,all_roles) db_unique_name=ppdbxdb5 NOREOPEN ALTERNATE=log_archive_dest_2' 
set local_listener='LISTENER_PPdbxDB5,DGLISTENER_PPdbxDB5'
set dg_broker_start='false'
reset log_archive_dest_3
reset log_archive_dest_4
BACKUP LOCATION '/backup' dorecover nofilenamecheck;

At the end of the duplication processes the new standby is ready to receive and apply redo from the primary and could be added to the data guard broker configuraiton.
show configuration

Configuration - dbx_dg

  Protection Mode: MaxAvailability
  ppdbxdb1- Primary database
    ppdbxdb2 - Physical standby database
    ppdbxfs1 - Far sync instance
      ppdbxdb5 - Physical standby database
      ppdbxdb6 - Physical standby database

Fast-Start Failover:  Disabled

Configuration Status:
Useful Metalink Notes
Step by Step method to create Primary/Standby Database from Standby Backup [ID 1604251.1]

Related Posts
Adding a New Physical Standby to Existing Data Guard Setup
Oracle Data Guard on 12.2 CDB with Oracle Restart

Monday, March 22, 2021

Removing a Standby Database From a Data Guard Configuration With RedoRoutes

There is an earlier post which shows how to remove a standby database from a data guard configuration when redo routes are not used. This post shows steps for removing standby databases when redo routes are in use.
The existing data guard setup is as follows.
DGMGRL> show configuration

Configuration - db_dg

  Protection Mode: MaxAvailability
  db2  - Primary database
    db1  - Physical standby database
    db3  - Physical standby database
      db4  - Physical standby database (receiving current redo)
    fs1  - Far sync instance
      db5  - Physical standby database
      db6  - Physical standby database
      db7  - Physical standby database
      db8  - Physical standby database
      db9  - Physical standby database
      db10 - Physical standby database

  Members Not Receiving Redo:
  fs2  - Far sync instance (alternate of fs1)

Fast-Start Failover:  Disabled

Configuration Status:
SUCCESS   (status updated 57 seconds ago)
It was decided to remove standby databases db7-db10 and far sync instance fs2 from the data guard configuration. Simply running the remove database command will result in an error due to references in the redoroutes for the standby databases that are being removed.
DGMGRL> remove database db10;
Error: ORA-16691: cannot remove a configuration member that is specified in a RedoRoutes property

If the redoroute property of the databases that will remain the data guard configuration is to be checked then references to databases being removed could be found.
DGMGRL> show database db2 redoroutes
  RedoRoutes = '(LOCAL : ( db1 SYNC), ( db3 SYNC PRIORITY=1, db4 SYNC PRIORITY=2),( fs1 SYNC PRIORITY=1, fs2 SYNC PRIORITY=2, db5 ASYNC, db6 ASYNC, db7 ASYNC, db8 ASYNC, db9 ASYNC, db10 ASYNC))'

Therefore before the standby databases are removed update the redoroutes of the databases that will remain in the data guard, by removing any references to those standby databsaes that are being removed. One exmaple redoroute update for above data guard configuration is given below.
edit database  db1 set property redoroutes='(LOCAL : ( db2 SYNC), ( db3 SYNC PRIORITY=1,  db4 SYNC PRIORITY=2),( fs1 SYNC PRIORITY=1,  fs2 SYNC PRIORITY=2,  db5 ASYNC, db6 ASYNC))( db3 :  db2 ASYNC)( db4 :  db2 ASYNC)';

Once all the redo routes are updated the data guard configuratoin may show error state while it revalidate, however, the error state could be ignored and could proceed with the removal of the standby databases.
DGMGRL> show configuration

Configuration - db_dg

  Protection Mode: MaxAvailability
  db2  - Primary database
    db1  - Physical standby database
    db3  - Physical standby database
      db4  - Physical standby database (receiving current redo)
    fs1  - Far sync instance
      db5  - Physical standby database
      db6  - Physical standby database

  Members Not Receiving Redo:
  db7  - Physical standby database
    Error: ORA-16810: multiple errors or warnings detected for the member

  db8  - Physical standby database
    Error: ORA-16810: multiple errors or warnings detected for the member

  db9  - Physical standby database
    Error: ORA-16810: multiple errors or warnings detected for the member

  db10 - Physical standby database
    Error: ORA-16810: multiple errors or warnings detected for the member

  fs2  - Far sync instance (alternate of fs1)

Fast-Start Failover:  Disabled

Configuration Status:
ERROR   (status updated 71 seconds ago)

DGMGRL> remove database db10;
Removed database " db10" from the configuration
DGMGRL> remove database db9;
Removed database " db9" from the configuration
DGMGRL> remove database db8;
Removed database " db8" from the configuration
DGMGRL> remove database db7
Removed database " db7" from the configuration

DGMGRL> show configuration

Configuration - db_dg

  Protection Mode: MaxAvailability
  db2 - Primary database
    db1 - Physical standby database
    db3 - Physical standby database
      db4 - Physical standby database (receiving current redo)
    fs1 - Far sync instance
      db5 - Physical standby database
      db6 - Physical standby database

  Members Not Receiving Redo:
  fs2 - Far sync instance (alternate of fs1)

Fast-Start Failover:  Disabled

Configuration Status:
SUCCESS   (status updated 54 seconds ago)
Similarly once all references to far sync instance (fs2) is removed from existing redoroutes that too could be removed from the data guard configuraiton. Redo route update without any reference to fs2 on one of the databases is given below.
edit database  db1 set property redoroutes='(LOCAL : ( db2 SYNC), ( db3 SYNC PRIORITY=1,  db4 SYNC PRIORITY=2),( fs1 SYNC PRIORITY=1,  db5 ASYNC, db6 ASYNC))( db3 :  db2 ASYNC)( db4 :  db2 ASYNC)';

Execute remove far_sync to remove the far sync instance.
DGMGRL> remove far_sync fs2;
Removed far sync instance " fs2" from the configuration
DGMGRL>  show configuration

Configuration - db_dg

  Protection Mode: MaxAvailability
  db2 - Primary database
    db1 - Physical standby database
    db3 - Physical standby database
      db4 - Physical standby database (receiving current redo)
    fs1 - Far sync instance
      db5 - Physical standby database
      db6 - Physical standby database

Fast-Start Failover:  Disabled

Configuration Status:
SUCCESS   (status updated 64 seconds ago)

Related Post
Removing a Standby Database From a Data Guard Configuration

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Creating Manual Backups on Autonomous Transaction Processing DB

Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP) DB is not configured for manual backup right after provisioning.

The manual backups are written to an object storage bucket. Cretain configuration tasks must be done before hand so that ATP is able to identify and write the backup to the pre configured object storage bucket. The actual backup tasks is simple as clicking the "create manaul backup" button.
1. As the first step of the configuration identify the object storage name space for the tenancy. This could be done either with oci cli as
$ oci os ns get
  "data": "namespace is shown here"
or from the OCI console (administration -> tenancy details).

2. Get the ATP name not the display name of the ATP. This inforamtion is available on the ATP detail page.

3. Create an object storage bucket to hold the manual backups. The bucket name must follow a certain format. It must be prefixed with word "backup" and followed by an underscore (backup_). After the underscore specify the ATP name. In this case the ATP name is "testatp". As such the bucket name should be "backup_testatp".

If the bucket name doesn't follow this format then the ATP would be unable to identify that configuration needed for manaul backup has been done.

Update 28/09/2021
The naming convention is no longer needed. Any valid bucket name could be used for manual backup storage. Once all configuration steps are done ATP will identify the bucket designated for backups. Below is an example of such bucket name being detected by ATP as a location for manual backups.

4. Once the bucket is created, as the admin user set the default_bucket property for the database using the swift format. Do not include the bucket name in the end. The URL should end with the namespace identified in step 1.
Update 11/09/2021
In the new documentation the property has been renamed to default_backup_bucket. The new documentation states set the database property DEFAULT_BACKUP_BUCKET to identify the manual backup bucket in your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage. Also the URI used with default backup bucket contain the bucket name. Considering the earlier shown bucket name, the URI for the default backup bucket is specified as
ALTER DATABASE PROPERTY SET default_backup_bucket

5. Generate an auth token for a OCI user that has access to the bucket created. (this step is similar to earlier post on import/export on ATP).

At minimum the user must belong to a group that as following permission on the compartment where the bucket resides
allow group #usergroup#  to read buckets in compartment #bucketCompartment#
allow group #usergroup#  to manage objects in compartment #bucketCompartment#
6. Create a crednetail using the auth token
credential_name => 'backup_cred',
username => '#user#',
password => 'token generated above'
7. Set the created credentail as the default credentail.
8. Check the default properties for manual backup is set.

-------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Another way to verify that all is working as it should is to upload a dummy file to the bucket created earlier and query the content of the bucket specifying the credentail. In this case the URL to bucket must be given.
select object_name, bytes from 

OBJECT_NAME                         BYTES
------------------------------ ----------
exports_options.txt                   428
9. When the configuration is done refresh the ATP details page. If ATP is able to detect the manaul configuration has been done the bucket name will be listed as the manual backup store.

Anything else listed under manual backup store, such as the namespace or "not configured" means manual backup configuration is not complete and any attempt to run a manual backup will fail.

10. Final step is to execute the manual backup. On the ATP details page select backup and click on create manual backup button and give the manual backup a name.

At times while the backup is in progress the manual backup store on ATP detail page goes back to "not configured". If this happens ignore it and wait until backup finishes. If all is correct inspite of this backup will successfully complete. If backup fails (even though at step 9 ATP discovered the bucket) then it means at run time ATP encountered an error and manual backup configuration is not correct (most likely a permission issue such as able to view the bucket but cannot write to it).

The work request will show the backup job progress.

The bucket will show the backup files being created.

When the backup end it will show the backup details.

Useful metalink note
How To Take Manual Backup Of ATP/ADW [ID 2518388.1]

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Import and Export Data Using Data Pump on Autonomous Transaction Processing DB

This post shows the steps for importing and exporting data using data dump on autonomous transaction processing (ATP) DB. The ATP used in this case is on shared exadata infrastructure and 19c (19.5).
1. As the first step create the user for import (or export). Admin user (a user created automatically in ATP) could be used for import and export but as admin user has higher privilges it may not be a good idea. The user craetion below is bare minimum to do an import. It has privilges to connect to the ATP DB with quota unlimited on default "data" tablespace. Also it has read,write privilges on the data_pump_dir where the log files would be created. Finally execute privilege on dbms_cloud to create the credentail. This is needed only for the duration of the import or export. Afterwards could be revoked from the user if deemed unnecessary. Puting it altogether the user creation looks like as follows.
create user asanga identified by password quota unlimited on data;
grant connect to asanga;
grant create table to asanga;
grant read,write on directory DATA_PUMP_DIR to asanga; 
grant execute on dbms_cloud to asanga;
2. Create a bucket on the OCI to hold the dump files. The impdp/expdp will access this bucket to get the necessary dump files.

3. Upload the dump files to the object storage bucket created earlier.

4. Get the URI of the dump file in the bucket selecting view object details.

5. Generate an auth token for an OCI user who has access to the bucket created in step 2. Navigate through Identity -> users and select the user to get to user details. Then generate an auth code (make note of the code generated).

Another way to get to auth tokens is via profile -> user setting.

6. Setup an enviornment to login and execute expdp/impdp on the ATP. For this an Oracle client installation is needed that has access to the ATP. Easiest way to acheive this is to create a temporary VM in the same network as ATP (this ATP was using private endpoints) and allow access for this VM to the ATP via NSG. On the VM (if using Oracle Linux) install instant-client, sqlplus and tools from the yum repository (use yum list | grep instant-client to identify the exact versions). This would have installed sqlplus, expdp and impdp binaries in the VM. This is the minimum needed to do the import and export

7. Download the ATP wallet from the console into the VM created in step 6 (or to where impdp/expdp would be executed). Copy the cwallet.sso, ewallet.p12, sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora files to a temporary location (eg /home/opc/atp). Edit the sqlnet.ora to reflect the wallet location.
At the same time set the TNS_ADMIN variable to the location where wallet file resides.
export TNS_ADMIN=/home/opc/atp
These files could be removed once the impdp/expdp is done.

8. If step 6 and 7 are done correctly it would be possible to login to the ATP now. Login to the ATP as the user created in step 1 and create a credential.
sqlplus asanga@testatp_tpurgent

    credential_name => 'ATP_CRED_NAME',
    username => '',
    password => 'auth token created before'
To check if user can access the bucket using the crednetail use the following SQL. If use has the permission then this will list the contents of the bucket.
select object_name, bytes from dbms_cloud.list_objects('ATP_CRED_NAME',' namespace#/b/dumps');

If using swiftobject format then use
select object_name, bytes from dbms_cloud.list_objects('ATP_CRED_NAME',' namespace#/dumps');

As the client used in this case 19c no other steps are needed after creating the credentail. But if it is 12.2 client used for export/import then set the default credentail property.

9. Run the import data pump command by specify the storage bucket object URI as the dump file. In the shared ATP there's a single default tablespace called data and a remap tablespace must be used if the system exporting data had data residing in other tablespaces. Beside the username and the password for the DB user the credentail name (created in step 8) must also be specified.
impdp asanga@atpfree_tp 
dumpfile= namespace#/b/dumps/o/asanga.dmp  

Import: Release - Production on Thu Aug 20 16:48:44 2020

Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

Connected to: Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production
Master table "ASANGA"."SYS_IMPORT_FULL_01" successfully loaded/unloaded
Starting "ASANGA"."SYS_IMPORT_FULL_01":  asanga/********@atpfree_tp directory=data_pump_dir credential=ATP_CRED_NAME dumpfile= namespace#/b/dumps/o/asanga.dmp remap_tablespace=users:data exclude=role_grant,SYSTEM_GRANT,DEFAULT_ROLE,TABLESPACE_QUOTA,user
Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE
. . imported "ASANGA"."TEST"                             2.406 MB   19862 rows
. . imported "ASANGA"."DATETEST"                           5.5 KB       1 rows
. . imported "ASANGA"."UCPTEST"                          5.484 KB       2 rows
Job "ASANGA"."SYS_IMPORT_FULL_01" successfully completed at Thu Aug 20 11:19:18 2020 elapsed 0 00:00:17

The ATP (shared) documentation mentions using transform parameters such as segment_attributes:N but using any of the following transform parameters
resulted in import job failing with
UDI-00942: operation generated ORACLE error 942
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
This was the case even when the import job was run as admin user.

10. Once the import job is done the log file could be viewd with the following.
sqlplus asanga@testatp_tpurgent
col CHECKSUM format a10
set line 1000
col OBJECT_NAME format a30
The log file could be copied out of ATP host to the bucket created to hold dump file with the following (imp.log is the log file name).
exec DBMS_CLOUD.PUT_OBJECT(credential_name => 'ATP_CRED_NAME',
object_uri => ' namespace#/b/dumps/o/imp.log',
directory_name => 'DATA_PUMP_DIR',
file_name => 'imp.log');
Log file could be removed with
exec dbms_cloud.DELETE_FILE('DATA_PUMP_DIR','imp.log');
Finally if credentail is nolonger needed it could be dropped with

Similar to importing directly from a object storage bucket, exporting to object storage bucket could be done as well. Following example shows exporting two tables into object storage bucket.
expdp asanga@testatp_tpurgent 
dumpfile= namespace#/b/dumpbucket/o/configs.dmp 
logtime=all metrics=yes

Export: Release - Production on Tue Feb 23 13:31:14 2021

Copyright (c) 1982, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

Connected to: Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production
23-FEB-21 13:31:31.786: Starting "ASANGA"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01":  asanga/********@testatp_tpurgent dumpfile= namespace#/b/dumpbucket/o/configs.dmp  logfile=admconfigimp.log parallel=6 tables=CONFIG,CONFIG_PARAMETER directory=data_pump_dir credential=ATP_CRED_NAME logtime=all metrics=yes
23-FEB-21 13:31:33.289: W-1 Startup on instance 3 took 2 seconds
23-FEB-21 13:31:35.670: W-2 Startup on instance 3 took 0 seconds
23-FEB-21 13:31:37.252: W-3 Startup on instance 3 took 1 seconds
23-FEB-21 13:31:37.262: W-4 Startup on instance 3 took 1 seconds
23-FEB-21 13:31:37.276: W-5 Startup on instance 3 took 1 seconds
23-FEB-21 13:31:38.534: W-6 Startup on instance 3 took 2 seconds
23-FEB-21 13:31:39.605: W-4 Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/INDEX/STATISTICS/INDEX_STATISTICS
23-FEB-21 13:31:40.643: W-6 Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/STATISTICS/TABLE_STATISTICS
23-FEB-21 13:31:41.711: W-4      Completed 4 INDEX_STATISTICS objects in 3 seconds
23-FEB-21 13:31:42.072: W-1 Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA
23-FEB-21 13:31:42.236: W-6      Completed 2 TABLE_STATISTICS objects in 3 seconds
23-FEB-21 13:31:42.852: W-5 Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/COMMENT
23-FEB-21 13:31:43.211: W-2 Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/GRANT/OWNER_GRANT/OBJECT_GRANT
23-FEB-21 13:31:46.866: W-3 Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE
23-FEB-21 13:31:48.604: W-6 Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/INDEX/INDEX
23-FEB-21 13:31:48.610: W-3      Completed 2 TABLE objects in 9 seconds
23-FEB-21 13:31:49.579: W-6      Completed 4 INDEX objects in 7 seconds
23-FEB-21 13:31:50.627: W-1 Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/CONSTRAINT/CONSTRAINT
23-FEB-21 13:31:50.636: W-3 Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/CONSTRAINT/REF_CONSTRAINT
23-FEB-21 13:31:50.925: W-5      Completed 14 COMMENT objects in 9 seconds
23-FEB-21 13:31:52.100: W-2      Completed 2 OBJECT_GRANT objects in 12 seconds
23-FEB-21 13:31:53.086: W-1      Completed 2 CONSTRAINT objects in 10 seconds
23-FEB-21 13:31:53.398: W-3      Completed 3 REF_CONSTRAINT objects in 5 seconds
23-FEB-21 13:31:54.387: W-5 . . exported "ASANGA"."CONFIG"                          235.8 KB    3856 rows in 2 seconds using direct_path
23-FEB-21 13:31:54.606: W-5 . . exported "ASANGA"."CONFIG_PARAMETER"                137.8 KB    1351 rows in 0 seconds using direct_path
23-FEB-21 13:32:00.680: W-6 Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TRIGGER
23-FEB-21 13:32:00.948: W-6      Completed 5 TRIGGER objects in 10 seconds
23-FEB-21 13:32:05.097: W-4 Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/STATISTICS/MARKER
23-FEB-21 13:32:05.443: W-4      Completed 1 MARKER objects in 23 seconds
23-FEB-21 13:32:05.565: ORA-39173: Encrypted data has been stored unencrypted in dump file set.
23-FEB-21 13:32:05.710: W-1      Completed 2 TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA objects in 2 seconds
23-FEB-21 13:32:08.028: W-1 Master table "ASANGA"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01" successfully loaded/unloaded
23-FEB-21 13:32:08.032: ******************************************************************************
23-FEB-21 13:32:08.033: Dump file set for ASANGA.SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01 is:
23-FEB-21 13:32:08.037: namespace#/b/dumpbucket/o/configs.dmp

Related Posts
JDBC Thin Connections to Autonomous Transaction Processing DB

Monday, March 1, 2021

Plugging in non-CDB to CDB and reusing the non-CDB Datafiles in Standby

This post shows how the use of STANDBY_PDB_SOURCE_FILE_DIRECTORY parameter could help in reusing data file in the standby when a non-CDB is plugged in as a PDB to CDB that is also in a data guard configuration.
The MOS docs on the matter (2273304.1) creating aliases when ASM is used for storage. Another MOS note (2274735.1) shows using the above parameter when cloning PDBs.
This post shows the steps for plugging in a non-CDB in data gaurd configuration and resuing the standby data files of the non-CDB with the help of STANDBY_PDB_SOURCE_FILE_DIRECTORY parameter. The database reference documentation states
the STANDBY_PDB_SOURCE_FILE_DIRECTORY specifies a directory location on the standby where source datafiles for instantiating the PDB may be found. If the datafiles are not found there, an attempt will be made to locate them in the OMF location on the standby. This parameter can also be used to try to copy files in cases where the source PDB's files are not present on the standby.
Some information on the setup, both non-CDB and CDB are running same version (19.10 in this case). Two cases are shown in this post are one using file system with OMF and another where ASM is used for storage. TDE is not used in this configuration nor on the CDB where non-CDB is plugged in.
The non-CDB data guard configuration is as follows.
DGMGRL> show configuration;

Configuration - noncdb_dg

  Protection Mode: MaxAvailability
  noncdb  - Primary database
    noncdb2 - Physical standby database

Fast-Start Failover:  Disabled

Configuration Status:
SUCCESS   (status updated 50 seconds ago)
If upgrading from a lower version this could be thought of as a data guard configuration that is already upgraded (with dbms_rolling, transient logical standby or traditional method with down time) to 19c.
The steps for plugging in the non-CDB as a PDB on primary is same as without data guard (however, autoupgrade was not used for this and non-CDB was plugged in manually). But there are few key things to make a note of. When the primary non-CDB is open in read only mode to create the descriptor file make sure that checkpoint_change# on primary and standby datafiles match.
On primary non-CDB
shutdown imemdiate;
startup mount;
alter database open read only;

select CHECKPOINT_CHANGE#,name from v$datafile;

------------------ -------------------------------------------------------
            858807 /opt/data/NONCDB/datafile/o1_mf_system_j2tgk6do_.dbf
            858807 /opt/data/NONCDB/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_j2tgkgg8_.dbf
            858807 /opt/data/NONCDB/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_j2tgklqr_.dbf
            858807 /opt/data/NONCDB/datafile/o1_mf_users_j2tgl0j3_.dbf
Check the same on standby non-CDB
select CHECKPOINT_CHANGE#,name from v$datafile;
------------------ --------------------------------------------------------
            858807 /opt/data/NONCDB2/datafile/o1_mf_system_09vne4sm_.dbf
            858807 /opt/data/NONCDB2/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_0avne4t5_.dbf
            858807 /opt/data/NONCDB2/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_0bvne4tk_.dbf
            858807 /opt/data/NONCDB2/datafile/o1_mf_users_0cvne4tr_.dbf
In this case a simple clean shutdown was enough to make both sets of data files to have same checkpoint change number (the fact protection mode being max availability mode may have something to do with this). If the checkpoint change numbers are different then follow 2273304.1 to flush redo and recover the standby non-CDB data files to the same checkpoint change number as the primary non-CDB data files.
Create the non-CDB descriptor file and shutdown both primary and standby non-CDB databases.
On primary
exec dbms_pdb.describe(pdb_descr_file=>'/home/oracle/noncdb.xml');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> shutdown immediate;
On standby
SQL> shutdown immediate;

The CDB data guard configuration details are as follows
DGMGRL> show configuration

Configuration - dg_19c_fs

  Protection Mode: MaxAvailability
  testfs  - Primary database
    testfs2 - Physical standby database

Fast-Start Failover:  Disabled

Configuration Status:
SUCCESS   (status updated 59 seconds ago)
Run the compatability check on the primary CDB.
set serveroutput on
    compa boolean;
    compa := dbms_pdb.CHECK_PLUG_COMPATIBILITY(pdb_descr_file=>'/home/oracle/noncdb.xml');
 if compa = true then
    dbms_output.put_line('not compatible');
 end if;

Before creating the PDB set the standby_pdb_source_file_directory on the standby CDB to the location where data files of the non-CDB standby resides. If the data files of the non-CDB are on the file system (with OMF) then set the standby_pdb_source_file_directory similar to
SQL> alter system set standby_pdb_source_file_directory='/opt/data/NONCDB2/datafile' scope=both;

System altered.
If standby non-CDB was using ASM then set similar to below.
SQL> alter system set standby_pdb_source_file_directory='+DATA/NONCDB2/DATAFILE' scope=both;

System altered.
Once the standby_pdb_source_file_directory are set then plug in the non-CDB as a PDB on the primary.
CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE noncdbaspdb USING '/home/oracle/noncdb.xml' copy;
While plug in is happening the standby alert log will show files being copied from the standby_pdb_source_file_directory location to the OMF locations. Following is from standby alert log when file system is used.
Recovery created pluggable database NONCDBASPDB
Recovery attempting to copy datafiles for pdb-NONCDBASPDB from           source dir-/opt/data/NONCDB2/datafile
Recovery copied files for tablespace SYSTEM
Recovery successfully copied file /opt/data/TESTFS2/BB6378EF1A471937E053F00C1FAC6AAD/datafile/o1_mf_system_j2tn81ol_.dbf from /opt/data/NONCDB2/datafile/o1_mf_system_09vne4sm_.dbf
NONCDBASPDB(4):Datafile 98 added to flashback set
NONCDBASPDB(4):Successfully added datafile 98 to media recovery
NONCDBASPDB(4):Datafile #98: '/opt/data/TESTFS2/BB6378EF1A471937E053F00C1FAC6AAD/datafile/o1_mf_system_j2tn81ol_.dbf'
Recovery copied files for tablespace SYSAUX
Recovery successfully copied file /opt/data/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_j2tn81ox_.dbf from /opt/data/NONCDB2/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_0avne4t5_.dbf
NONCDBASPDB(4):Datafile 99 added to flashback set
NONCDBASPDB(4):Successfully added datafile 99 to media recovery
NONCDBASPDB(4):Datafile #99: '/opt/data/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_j2tn81ox_.dbf'
Recovery copied files for tablespace UNDOTBS1
Recovery successfully copied file /opt/data/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_j2tn81oz_.dbf from /opt/data/NONCDB2/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_0bvne4tk_.dbf
NONCDBASPDB(4):Datafile 100 added to flashback set
NONCDBASPDB(4):Successfully added datafile 100 to media recovery
NONCDBASPDB(4):Datafile #100: '/opt/data/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_j2tn81oz_.dbf'
Recovery copied files for tablespace USERS
Recovery successfully copied file /opt/data/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/datafile/o1_mf_users_j2tn81p0_.dbf from /opt/data/NONCDB2/datafile/o1_mf_users_0cvne4tr_.dbf
NONCDBASPDB(4):Datafile 101 added to flashback set
NONCDBASPDB(4):Successfully added datafile 101 to media recovery
NONCDBASPDB(4):Datafile #101: '/opt/data/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/datafile/o1_mf_users_j2tn81p0_.dbf'

On the otherhand if ASM is used expect something similar to below on the alert log.
Recovery created pluggable database NONCDBASPDB
Recovery attempting to copy datafiles for pdb-NONCDBASPDB from           source dir-+DATA/NONCDB2/DATAFILE
NOTE: dependency between database testfs2 and diskgroup resource ora.DATA.dg is established
Recovery copied files for tablespace SYSTEM
Recovery successfully copied file +DATA/TESTFS2/BB6378EF1A471937E053F00C1FAC6AAD/DATAFILE/system.262.1064840807 from +DATA/NONCDB2/DATAFILE/system.256.1064839675
NONCDBASPDB(5):Datafile 111 added to flashback set
NONCDBASPDB(5):Successfully added datafile 111 to media recovery
NONCDBASPDB(5):Datafile #111: '+DATA/TESTFS2/BB6378EF1A471937E053F00C1FAC6AAD/DATAFILE/system.262.1064840807'
Recovery copied files for tablespace SYSAUX
Recovery successfully copied file +DATA/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/DATAFILE/sysaux.265.1064840817 from +DATA/NONCDB2/DATAFILE/sysaux.257.1064839687
NONCDBASPDB(5):Datafile 112 added to flashback set
NONCDBASPDB(5):Successfully added datafile 112 to media recovery
NONCDBASPDB(5):Datafile #112: '+DATA/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/DATAFILE/sysaux.265.1064840817'
Recovery copied files for tablespace UNDOTBS1
Recovery successfully copied file +DATA/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/DATAFILE/undotbs1.263.1064840825 from +DATA/NONCDB2/DATAFILE/undotbs1.258.1064839695
NONCDBASPDB(5):Datafile 113 added to flashback set
NONCDBASPDB(5):Successfully added datafile 113 to media recovery
NONCDBASPDB(5):Datafile #113: '+DATA/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/DATAFILE/undotbs1.263.1064840825'
Recovery copied files for tablespace USERS
Recovery successfully copied file +DATA/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/DATAFILE/users.275.1064840829 from +DATA/NONCDB2/DATAFILE/users.259.1064839697
NONCDBASPDB(5):Datafile 114 added to flashback set
NONCDBASPDB(5):Successfully added datafile 114 to media recovery
NONCDBASPDB(5):Datafile #114: '+DATA/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/DATAFILE/users.275.1064840829'
Recovery copied files for tablespace TEST
Recovery successfully copied file +DATA/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/DATAFILE/test.276.1064840829 from +DATA/NONCDB2/DATAFILE/test.260.1064839883
NONCDBASPDB(5):Datafile 115 added to flashback set
NONCDBASPDB(5):Successfully added datafile 115 to media recovery
NONCDBASPDB(5):Datafile #115: '+DATA/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/DATAFILE/test.276.1064840829'

Complete the non-CDB plug in by running noncdb_to_pdb script.
SQL> alter session set container=NONCDBASPDB;

Session altered.

SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/noncdb_to_pdb.sql

on primary 

SQL> show pdbs

    CON_ID CON_NAME                       OPEN MODE  RESTRICTED
---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
         4 NONCDBASPDB                    MOUNTED

SQL> alter pluggable database open;

Pluggable database altered.

SQL> show pdbs

    CON_ID CON_NAME                       OPEN MODE  RESTRICTED
---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
         4 NONCDBASPDB                    READ WRITE NO
On the standby the new PDB will be in mount state.
SQL> show pdbs

    CON_ID CON_NAME                       OPEN MODE  RESTRICTED
---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
         2 PDB$SEED                       MOUNTED
         3 TESTPDB                        MOUNTED
         4 NONCDBASPDB                    MOUNTED
To test if all is working fine, create a test tablespace on the PDB. First identify the GUID of the newly created PDB.
SQL> select guid,name from v$pdbs;

GUID                             NAME
-------------------------------- -------------
Create a tablespace on the primary.
SQL> create tablespace test datafile size 10m;

Tablespace created.
Check the standby alert log for the corresponding datafile being created inside the same GUID.
(4):Resize operation completed for file# 100, old size 424960K, new size 430080K
(4):Datafile 102 added to flashback set
(4):Successfully added datafile 102 to media recovery
(4):Datafile #102: '/opt/data/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/datafile/o1_mf_test_j2tns4w1_.dbf'
If possible do a switchover and open the newly created PDB in read-write mode.
DGMGRL> switchover to testfs2;
Performing switchover NOW, please wait...
Operation requires a connection to database "testfs2"
Connecting ...
Connected to "testfs2"
Connected as SYSDBA.
New primary database "testfs2" is opening...
Oracle Clusterware is restarting database "testfs" ...
Connected to "testfs"
Connected to "testfs"
Switchover succeeded, new primary is "testfs2"

DGMGRL> show configuration

Configuration - dg_19c_fs

  Protection Mode: MaxAvailability
  testfs2 - Primary database
    testfs  - Physical standby database

Fast-Start Failover:  Disabled

Configuration Status:
SUCCESS   (status updated 60 seconds ago)
PDB status on old standby (new primary)
SQL> show pdbs

    CON_ID CON_NAME                       OPEN MODE  RESTRICTED
---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
         2 PDB$SEED                       READ ONLY  NO
         3 TESTPDB                        READ WRITE NO
         4 NONCDBASPDB                    READ WRITE NO

This post has shown how standby_pdb_source_file_directory could be used to specify the location of the data files in standby and reuse them. It also showed when ASM is used no need to create aliases anymore.

Related Posts
Plugging non-CDB as a PDB - Manual vs Autoupgrade
Plugging non-CDB as a PDB into a CDB in the Same Host
Creating a PDB in a Data Guard Configuration

Useful metalink notes
Reusing the Source Standby Database Files When Plugging a non-CDB as a PDB into the Primary Database of a Data Guard Configuration [ID 2273304.1]
Using standby_pdb_source_file_dblink and standby_pdb_source_file_directory to Maintain Standby Databases when Performing PDB Remote Clones or Plugins [ID 2274735.1]