Monday, March 1, 2021

Plugging in non-CDB to CDB and reusing the non-CDB Datafiles in Standby

This post shows how the use of STANDBY_PDB_SOURCE_FILE_DIRECTORY parameter could help in reusing data file in the standby when a non-CDB is plugged in as a PDB to CDB that is also in a data guard configuration.
The MOS docs on the matter (2273304.1) creating aliases when ASM is used for storage. Another MOS note (2274735.1) shows using the above parameter when cloning PDBs.
This post shows the steps for plugging in a non-CDB in data gaurd configuration and resuing the standby data files of the non-CDB with the help of STANDBY_PDB_SOURCE_FILE_DIRECTORY parameter. The database reference documentation states
the STANDBY_PDB_SOURCE_FILE_DIRECTORY specifies a directory location on the standby where source datafiles for instantiating the PDB may be found. If the datafiles are not found there, an attempt will be made to locate them in the OMF location on the standby. This parameter can also be used to try to copy files in cases where the source PDB's files are not present on the standby.
Some information on the setup, both non-CDB and CDB are running same version (19.10 in this case). Two cases are shown in this post are one using file system with OMF and another where ASM is used for storage. TDE is not used in this configuration nor on the CDB where non-CDB is plugged in.
The non-CDB data guard configuration is as follows.
DGMGRL> show configuration;

Configuration - noncdb_dg

  Protection Mode: MaxAvailability
  noncdb  - Primary database
    noncdb2 - Physical standby database

Fast-Start Failover:  Disabled

Configuration Status:
SUCCESS   (status updated 50 seconds ago)
If upgrading from a lower version this could be thought of as a data guard configuration that is already upgraded (with dbms_rolling, transient logical standby or traditional method with down time) to 19c.
The steps for plugging in the non-CDB as a PDB on primary is same as without data guard (however, autoupgrade was not used for this and non-CDB was plugged in manually). But there are few key things to make a note of. When the primary non-CDB is open in read only mode to create the descriptor file make sure that checkpoint_change# on primary and standby datafiles match.
On primary non-CDB
shutdown imemdiate;
startup mount;
alter database open read only;

select CHECKPOINT_CHANGE#,name from v$datafile;

------------------ -------------------------------------------------------
            858807 /opt/data/NONCDB/datafile/o1_mf_system_j2tgk6do_.dbf
            858807 /opt/data/NONCDB/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_j2tgkgg8_.dbf
            858807 /opt/data/NONCDB/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_j2tgklqr_.dbf
            858807 /opt/data/NONCDB/datafile/o1_mf_users_j2tgl0j3_.dbf
Check the same on standby non-CDB
select CHECKPOINT_CHANGE#,name from v$datafile;
------------------ --------------------------------------------------------
            858807 /opt/data/NONCDB2/datafile/o1_mf_system_09vne4sm_.dbf
            858807 /opt/data/NONCDB2/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_0avne4t5_.dbf
            858807 /opt/data/NONCDB2/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_0bvne4tk_.dbf
            858807 /opt/data/NONCDB2/datafile/o1_mf_users_0cvne4tr_.dbf
In this case a simple clean shutdown was enough to make both sets of data files to have same checkpoint change number (the fact protection mode being max availability mode may have something to do with this). If the checkpoint change numbers are different then follow 2273304.1 to flush redo and recover the standby non-CDB data files to the same checkpoint change number as the primary non-CDB data files.
Create the non-CDB descriptor file and shutdown both primary and standby non-CDB databases.
On primary
exec dbms_pdb.describe(pdb_descr_file=>'/home/oracle/noncdb.xml');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> shutdown immediate;
On standby
SQL> shutdown immediate;

The CDB data guard configuration details are as follows
DGMGRL> show configuration

Configuration - dg_19c_fs

  Protection Mode: MaxAvailability
  testfs  - Primary database
    testfs2 - Physical standby database

Fast-Start Failover:  Disabled

Configuration Status:
SUCCESS   (status updated 59 seconds ago)
Run the compatability check on the primary CDB.
set serveroutput on
    compa boolean;
    compa := dbms_pdb.CHECK_PLUG_COMPATIBILITY(pdb_descr_file=>'/home/oracle/noncdb.xml');
 if compa = true then
    dbms_output.put_line('not compatible');
 end if;

Before creating the PDB set the standby_pdb_source_file_directory on the standby CDB to the location where data files of the non-CDB standby resides. If the data files of the non-CDB are on the file system (with OMF) then set the standby_pdb_source_file_directory similar to
SQL> alter system set standby_pdb_source_file_directory='/opt/data/NONCDB2/datafile' scope=both;

System altered.
If standby non-CDB was using ASM then set similar to below.
SQL> alter system set standby_pdb_source_file_directory='+DATA/NONCDB2/DATAFILE' scope=both;

System altered.
Once the standby_pdb_source_file_directory are set then plug in the non-CDB as a PDB on the primary.
CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE noncdbaspdb USING '/home/oracle/noncdb.xml' copy;
While plug in is happening the standby alert log will show files being copied from the standby_pdb_source_file_directory location to the OMF locations. Following is from standby alert log when file system is used.
Recovery created pluggable database NONCDBASPDB
Recovery attempting to copy datafiles for pdb-NONCDBASPDB from           source dir-/opt/data/NONCDB2/datafile
Recovery copied files for tablespace SYSTEM
Recovery successfully copied file /opt/data/TESTFS2/BB6378EF1A471937E053F00C1FAC6AAD/datafile/o1_mf_system_j2tn81ol_.dbf from /opt/data/NONCDB2/datafile/o1_mf_system_09vne4sm_.dbf
NONCDBASPDB(4):Datafile 98 added to flashback set
NONCDBASPDB(4):Successfully added datafile 98 to media recovery
NONCDBASPDB(4):Datafile #98: '/opt/data/TESTFS2/BB6378EF1A471937E053F00C1FAC6AAD/datafile/o1_mf_system_j2tn81ol_.dbf'
Recovery copied files for tablespace SYSAUX
Recovery successfully copied file /opt/data/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_j2tn81ox_.dbf from /opt/data/NONCDB2/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_0avne4t5_.dbf
NONCDBASPDB(4):Datafile 99 added to flashback set
NONCDBASPDB(4):Successfully added datafile 99 to media recovery
NONCDBASPDB(4):Datafile #99: '/opt/data/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_j2tn81ox_.dbf'
Recovery copied files for tablespace UNDOTBS1
Recovery successfully copied file /opt/data/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_j2tn81oz_.dbf from /opt/data/NONCDB2/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_0bvne4tk_.dbf
NONCDBASPDB(4):Datafile 100 added to flashback set
NONCDBASPDB(4):Successfully added datafile 100 to media recovery
NONCDBASPDB(4):Datafile #100: '/opt/data/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_j2tn81oz_.dbf'
Recovery copied files for tablespace USERS
Recovery successfully copied file /opt/data/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/datafile/o1_mf_users_j2tn81p0_.dbf from /opt/data/NONCDB2/datafile/o1_mf_users_0cvne4tr_.dbf
NONCDBASPDB(4):Datafile 101 added to flashback set
NONCDBASPDB(4):Successfully added datafile 101 to media recovery
NONCDBASPDB(4):Datafile #101: '/opt/data/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/datafile/o1_mf_users_j2tn81p0_.dbf'

On the otherhand if ASM is used expect something similar to below on the alert log.
Recovery created pluggable database NONCDBASPDB
Recovery attempting to copy datafiles for pdb-NONCDBASPDB from           source dir-+DATA/NONCDB2/DATAFILE
NOTE: dependency between database testfs2 and diskgroup resource ora.DATA.dg is established
Recovery copied files for tablespace SYSTEM
Recovery successfully copied file +DATA/TESTFS2/BB6378EF1A471937E053F00C1FAC6AAD/DATAFILE/system.262.1064840807 from +DATA/NONCDB2/DATAFILE/system.256.1064839675
NONCDBASPDB(5):Datafile 111 added to flashback set
NONCDBASPDB(5):Successfully added datafile 111 to media recovery
NONCDBASPDB(5):Datafile #111: '+DATA/TESTFS2/BB6378EF1A471937E053F00C1FAC6AAD/DATAFILE/system.262.1064840807'
Recovery copied files for tablespace SYSAUX
Recovery successfully copied file +DATA/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/DATAFILE/sysaux.265.1064840817 from +DATA/NONCDB2/DATAFILE/sysaux.257.1064839687
NONCDBASPDB(5):Datafile 112 added to flashback set
NONCDBASPDB(5):Successfully added datafile 112 to media recovery
NONCDBASPDB(5):Datafile #112: '+DATA/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/DATAFILE/sysaux.265.1064840817'
Recovery copied files for tablespace UNDOTBS1
Recovery successfully copied file +DATA/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/DATAFILE/undotbs1.263.1064840825 from +DATA/NONCDB2/DATAFILE/undotbs1.258.1064839695
NONCDBASPDB(5):Datafile 113 added to flashback set
NONCDBASPDB(5):Successfully added datafile 113 to media recovery
NONCDBASPDB(5):Datafile #113: '+DATA/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/DATAFILE/undotbs1.263.1064840825'
Recovery copied files for tablespace USERS
Recovery successfully copied file +DATA/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/DATAFILE/users.275.1064840829 from +DATA/NONCDB2/DATAFILE/users.259.1064839697
NONCDBASPDB(5):Datafile 114 added to flashback set
NONCDBASPDB(5):Successfully added datafile 114 to media recovery
NONCDBASPDB(5):Datafile #114: '+DATA/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/DATAFILE/users.275.1064840829'
Recovery copied files for tablespace TEST
Recovery successfully copied file +DATA/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/DATAFILE/test.276.1064840829 from +DATA/NONCDB2/DATAFILE/test.260.1064839883
NONCDBASPDB(5):Datafile 115 added to flashback set
NONCDBASPDB(5):Successfully added datafile 115 to media recovery
NONCDBASPDB(5):Datafile #115: '+DATA/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/DATAFILE/test.276.1064840829'

Complete the non-CDB plug in by running noncdb_to_pdb script.
SQL> alter session set container=NONCDBASPDB;

Session altered.

SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/noncdb_to_pdb.sql

on primary 

SQL> show pdbs

    CON_ID CON_NAME                       OPEN MODE  RESTRICTED
---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
         4 NONCDBASPDB                    MOUNTED

SQL> alter pluggable database open;

Pluggable database altered.

SQL> show pdbs

    CON_ID CON_NAME                       OPEN MODE  RESTRICTED
---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
         4 NONCDBASPDB                    READ WRITE NO
On the standby the new PDB will be in mount state.
SQL> show pdbs

    CON_ID CON_NAME                       OPEN MODE  RESTRICTED
---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
         2 PDB$SEED                       MOUNTED
         3 TESTPDB                        MOUNTED
         4 NONCDBASPDB                    MOUNTED
To test if all is working fine, create a test tablespace on the PDB. First identify the GUID of the newly created PDB.
SQL> select guid,name from v$pdbs;

GUID                             NAME
-------------------------------- -------------
Create a tablespace on the primary.
SQL> create tablespace test datafile size 10m;

Tablespace created.
Check the standby alert log for the corresponding datafile being created inside the same GUID.
(4):Resize operation completed for file# 100, old size 424960K, new size 430080K
(4):Datafile 102 added to flashback set
(4):Successfully added datafile 102 to media recovery
(4):Datafile #102: '/opt/data/TESTFS2/BB8B1CFF497166F8E053F00C1FACF64E/datafile/o1_mf_test_j2tns4w1_.dbf'
If possible do a switchover and open the newly created PDB in read-write mode.
DGMGRL> switchover to testfs2;
Performing switchover NOW, please wait...
Operation requires a connection to database "testfs2"
Connecting ...
Connected to "testfs2"
Connected as SYSDBA.
New primary database "testfs2" is opening...
Oracle Clusterware is restarting database "testfs" ...
Connected to "testfs"
Connected to "testfs"
Switchover succeeded, new primary is "testfs2"

DGMGRL> show configuration

Configuration - dg_19c_fs

  Protection Mode: MaxAvailability
  testfs2 - Primary database
    testfs  - Physical standby database

Fast-Start Failover:  Disabled

Configuration Status:
SUCCESS   (status updated 60 seconds ago)
PDB status on old standby (new primary)
SQL> show pdbs

    CON_ID CON_NAME                       OPEN MODE  RESTRICTED
---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
         2 PDB$SEED                       READ ONLY  NO
         3 TESTPDB                        READ WRITE NO
         4 NONCDBASPDB                    READ WRITE NO

This post has shown how standby_pdb_source_file_directory could be used to specify the location of the data files in standby and reuse them. It also showed when ASM is used no need to create aliases anymore.

Related Posts
Plugging non-CDB as a PDB - Manual vs Autoupgrade
Plugging non-CDB as a PDB into a CDB in the Same Host
Creating a PDB in a Data Guard Configuration

Useful metalink notes
Reusing the Source Standby Database Files When Plugging a non-CDB as a PDB into the Primary Database of a Data Guard Configuration [ID 2273304.1]
Using standby_pdb_source_file_dblink and standby_pdb_source_file_directory to Maintain Standby Databases when Performing PDB Remote Clones or Plugins [ID 2274735.1]