User Guide (md5sum 23c7ccfa44d2f2f6015a52c249bca644, chksum 3726284878 bytes 356797)
What's new on ADMon 3.1
Two outlier detection methods have been added to ADMon. One is the modified Z-Score method and the other is the Box Plot method. Under box plot method it is possible to detect either mild outliers or extreme outliers.
Once an outlier is detected it could be handle in seven different ways. These could be configured under setup -> Outlier Handling.
What's new on ADMon 3.3
One Click Save : Save the output you see on ADMon to a preset file location (Defaults to Desktop on Windows and home directory on Linux).
Table data could be saved to an Excel file (xlsx or xls format).
Graphs could be saved as either PNG or JPG files.
Both table data and graphs saved in single PDF file.
File formats and locations could be changed with setup -> One Click Save
What's new on ADMon 3.8
Remove rows from the table view. Rows will be removed only from the front end view, not from the database table.
Select the rows to be removed and right click to get the remove popup. Connected database name (given at ADMon connection creation) or SID (if no name is given at ADMon connection creation) is shown next to ADMon title.
What's new on ADMon 3.9
Important : ADMon 3.9 does not include any JDBC libraries (ojdbc*.jar). Please download relevant JDBC library for your database and JDK combination and copy it to the lib folder shipped with ADMon. The JDBC jar files must be one of the following ojdbc[5|6|7|8].jar.
ADMon 3.9 is compiled with JDK8.
Removal of rows now take in to account user sorting (user changing the row ordering).