Saturday, August 14, 2021

ORA-16713: The Oracle Data Guard broker command timed out When Changing LogXptMode

After setting up a new dataguard configuration and broker the change of log transport mode to sync fail as below.
DGMGRL> edit database mystby set property LogXptMode='SYNC';
Error: ORA-16713: The Oracle Data Guard broker command timed out.

Sync mode was needed to change the protection mode. There was no other DG issue and redo transport and log apply was working fine. Transport mode change was only failing on the standby at that time. However, the sync mode parameters gets setup on the primary's log archive destination. Log transport mode of the two instances looks like below due to this failure.
  Transport-Related Property Settings:
    Property                        myprod Value             mystby Value
    LogXptMode                      SYNC                     ASYNC
MOS doc 2007507.1 says this is due to rsm* process hanging and to kill it so it will respawn. This didn't help.
 ps ax | grep rsm
26686 pts/3    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto rsm
30386 ?        Ss     0:01 ora_rsm0_myprod
$ kill -9 30386

 ps ax | grep rsm
27157 ?        Ss     0:00 ora_rsm0_myprod  <--------- new process spawn
27161 pts/3    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto rsm

DGMGRL> edit database mystby set property LogXptMode='SYNC';
Error: ORA-16713: The Oracle Data Guard broker command timed out.

MOS doc 1322877.1 suggested increasing OperationTimeout. That too didn't help.
Property "operationtimeout" updated

DGMGRL> edit database mystby set property LogXptMode='SYNC';
Error: ORA-16713: The Oracle Data Guard broker command timed out.

Few other MOS suggested clearing up ARDCI location. But those docs were related to DG broker hanging during validation. In this case validation ran fine without any issue.

Finally what resolved the issue was disabling the configuration and updating the log transport mode and enabling it again (maybe this respwaned the rsm cleanly than killing it).
DGMGRL> disable configuration;

DGMGRL> edit database mystby set property LogXptMode='SYNC';
Property "logxptmode" updated

DGMGRL> enable configuration;
This worked as expected. The transprot node changes are now visible on the log_archive_dest on the primary.
log_archive_dest_3   string service="mystbytns", SYNC AFFIRM delay=0 optional c

  Transport-Related Property Settings:
    Property                        myprod Value             mystby Value
    LogXptMode                      SYNC                     SYNC
After this it was possible to change the protection mode.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Unable to Set UNDO_RETENTION in Standby PDB

The fix 30577591 which is included in the DBRU 19.9 changed how the undo_retention parameter value is set in a CDB. Prior to this the value was set at CDB root level and all PDBs inherited this value. But with this change this is not the case. The value set at CDB root is only assigned to CDB root. For PDB this must be explicityly set either by login into the PDB or using "container=all" clause if setting at CDB root level and want the value to be inherited by all PDBs. This change has been mentioned here.
It seems Oracle has not foreseen the unintended consequence of this change. Mainly, how this would affect the standby databases. The database used in this case is using local undo.
SQL> select property_value from database_properties where property_name='LOCAL_UNDO_ENABLED';


SQL> select ispdb_modifiable from v$parameter where name='undo_retention';

To demonstrate the issue at hand, assume the standby databases is in mount mode.
SQL> select open_mode from v$database;

Current value for undo_retention is same for both cdb root and pdb and is the default 900.
SQL> show con_name

SQL> show parameter undo_retention

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_retention                       integer     900

-- value at PDB
SQL> alter session set container=dgpdb;

Session altered.

SQL> show con_name

SQL> show parameter undo_retention

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_retention                       integer     900
Set the undo_retention parameter at CDB root level.
SQL> show con_name


SQL>  alter system set undo_retention=901 scope=both;

System altered.
This change appears to be applied on both CDB root and PDB level.
SQL> show parameter undo_retention

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_retention                       integer     901

SQL> alter session set container=dgpdb;

Session altered.

SQL>  show con_name

SQL> show parameter undo_retention

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_retention                       integer     901
Value appears to be set at PDB because at mounted state the PDB seem to inherit it from the CDB.

Now open the CDB in read only mode.
SQL> select open_mode from v$database;


show pdbs

    CON_ID CON_NAME                       OPEN MODE  RESTRICTED
---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
         2 PDB$SEED                       READ ONLY  NO
         3 DGPDB                          READ ONLY  NO
The change reamins on the CDB root but is lost on the PDB.
SQL> show con_name


SQL> show  parameter undo_retention

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_retention                       integer     901

SQL>  alter session set container=dgpdb;

Session altered.

SQL> show con_name


-- change not inherited by pdb

SQL>  show  parameter undo_retention

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_retention                       integer     900
Trying to set the value with container=all fails with the following.
SQL>  alter system set undo_retention=901 container=all scope=both;
 alter system set undo_retention=901 container=all scope=both
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-16000: database or pluggable database open for read-only access
Trying to set it by login into PDB also fails.
SQL> alter session set container=dgpdb;

Session altered.

SQL> show con_name

SQL> alter system set undo_retention=901;
alter system set undo_retention=901
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-32000: write to SPFILE requested but SPFILE is not modifiable 
Reason for this is as undo_retention value is not inherited, it is kept as a local parameter of the PDB. To change this the new value must be written to the data dictionary (PDB_SPFILE$ table) this means writing it to the system tablespace where the pdb_spfile$ table resides. But for standby databases this cannot be done as writes are not allowed on standby.
Only workaround found so far is to set the value on the PDB to memory.
SQL> alter system set undo_retention=901 scope=memory;

System altered.
However, this means everytime there's a restart of the standby the change is lost and must be set again.
SR has been raised.

Update on 2021-08-13

After SR Oracle support provided solution was to set the undo_retention on the primary's PDB. As PDB parameters are written to table, redo gets generated and gets transported and applied on standby PDB. The standby PDB must be restarted in order for new value to take effect.
This is a major change for system parameters as it was not captured on redo. With this standby PDBs cannot have their own undo_retention values different to that of primary DB (if ADG primaryly used for BI and has different undo retention targets than primary).

Update on 2021-09-07

As a result of the SR filed an enhancement request (33283856) has been created.