Thursday, April 3, 2008

Solaris Tips

To find out the architecture

[root@solaris / ]# /usr/bin/isainfo -kv
64-bit amd64 kernel modules

Verifying if a patch is applied or not

/usr/sbin/patchadd -p grep patch_number(without version number)

Top like tool prstat

By default, prstat lists the processes running on a system, sorted by CPU
utilization. Number of LWPs per process appears following a "/" after the process name in the last column.

The prststat -L output shows each LWP for a multi-threaded process.

The prstat -m output includes the percentage of time a process spends in system traps, text page faults, data page faults, waiting for user locks, and waiting for CPU time.

The prstat -t output lists the CPU and memory resource usage summary for each user.

Mozilla in Solaris


Solaris network related files

/etc/resolv.conf DNS entries

/etc/hostname.interface Contains the host name or IP address associated with the network interface

/etc/nodename Host name of the local machine

/etc/defaultdomain Full qualified domain name of the administrative domain to which the local host's network belongs

/etc/defaultrouter Contain an entry for each router directly connected to the network

/etc/hosts Contains the host names and IP addresses of the primary network interface, other network interfaces attached to the machine, and any other network addresses that the machine must know about.

/etc/inet/netmasks Need to edit the netmasks database as part of network configuration only if subnetting is setup on the network.

/etc/nsswitch.conf Defines the search order of the network databases

Administer Services

svcadm command service name
svcadm enable ftp

List service status

svcs options service name
svcs -xv ftp

Shutdown the server

shutdown -y -i5 -g0