Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Parameterizing Backup Tags

At times it may be necessary to customize the back tag value. This could be achieved in two ways.
First method is used when a backups are run using a separate rman backup script file, which is used by the session invoking the rman. In this case the customized backup tags could be passed with the "USING" clause. Below is a simple rman backup script which takes a full database backup and archive log
cat backup.rmn
run {
backup database tag='&1' plus archivelog tag='&2';
delete noprompt obsolete;
Tags has been parameterized with the use of '&n'. Values for these are passed via the shell script that invokes rman
cat backup.sh
export ORACLE_SID=racse11g2
today_date=$(date +%F)
arctag=arch_bkp_$(date +%Y_%m_%d)
bkptag=full_bkp_$(date +%Y_%m_%d)
rman target / @/home/oracle/cronjobs/backup.rmn log /home/oracle/cronjobs/logs/$logfile using $bkptag $arctag
Result of this is customized tags for each days backup.
List of Backups
Key     TY LV S Device Type Completion Time #Pieces #Copies Compressed Tag
------- -- -- - ----------- --------------- ------- ------- ---------- ---
79      B  A  A DISK        06-OCT-15       1       1       NO         ARCH_BKP_2015_10_06
80      B  F  A DISK        06-OCT-15       1       1       NO         FULL_BKP_2015_10_06
81      B  A  A DISK        06-OCT-15       1       1       NO         ARCH_BKP_2015_10_06
179     B  A  A DISK        07-OCT-15       1       1       NO         ARCH_BKP_2015_10_07
180     B  F  A DISK        07-OCT-15       1       1       NO         FULL_BKP_2015_10_07
181     B  A  A DISK        07-OCT-15       1       1       NO         ARCH_BKP_2015_10_07

Second method is used when rman is invoked within a shell script. In this case customized tag is appended to a string
cat backupdisk.sh
export ORACLE_SID=racse11g1
tag=$(date +%Y_%m_%d)

rman target / log /home/oracle/cronjobs/logs/$logfile <<EOF
backup  database tag = 'full_disk_$tag' format '/backup/full_bkp_%d_%T_%U'  plus archivelog tag = 'full_arc_disk_$tag' format '/backup/full_arc_%d_%T_%U';
delete noprompt obsolete;
This will create customized tags as follows
List of Backups
Key     TY LV S Device Type Completion Time #Pieces #Copies Compressed Tag
------- -- -- - ----------- --------------- ------- ------- ---------- ---
83      B  A  A DISK        06-OCT-15       1       1       NO         FULL_ARC_DISK_2015_10_06
84      B  F  A DISK        06-OCT-15       1       1       NO         FULL_DISK_2015_10_06
85      B  A  A DISK        06-OCT-15       1       1       NO         FULL_ARC_DISK_2015_10_06
183     B  A  A DISK        07-OCT-15       1       1       NO         FULL_ARC_DISK_2015_10_07
184     B  F  A DISK        07-OCT-15       1       1       NO         FULL_DISK_2015_10_07
185     B  A  A DISK        07-OCT-15       1       1       NO         FULL_ARC_DISK_2015_10_07