Sunday, February 6, 2022

Upgrading Enterprise Manager Cloud Control from 13.4 to 13.5 - 3

This is the third post on upgrading EMCC from 13.4 to 13.5. Previous posts showed how to complete the pre-req work and upgrade the EM. This post shows how to upgrade the central agent to 13.5.
Central agent could be upgraded either using the EM console or emcli. This post shows the steps for upgrading using EM Console.
To upgrade the central agent go to Setup -> Manage Cloud Control -> Upgrade Agents
This will open the agent upgrade console. Agent Upgrade Tasks tab will be selected. Under Agents for Upgrade click the Add button. This will open upgradeable agents box and select the current 13.4 central agent. Once selected the agent details will be populated as shown below. It shows current version, version it will be upgraded to and the agent home.

Under the Choose credentails select "Preferred Privileged Credentials" (selected by default) even if no perferred credentails are available. This is not an issue as explained in the upgrade document "You can upgrade a Management Agent using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI even when you do not have preferred privileged credentials or non-privileged credentials set, or are not aware of the Management Agent credentials. Privileged credentials are only required to run the script post-upgrade. If you upgrade a Management Agent as a user who does not have root privileges, or you upgrade a Management Agent without having preferred privileged credentials, a warning appears. You can ignore this warning during the upgrade. Later, you can log in to the Management Agent host as the root user, and run the $<AGENT_BASE_DIR>/agent_13. script".
This is also mentioned when the submit button is clicked. Click OK to continue with the upgrade.

The upgrade job could be monitored under job activity.

Wait for upgrade job to complete successfully.

Agent upgrade results could also be viewd by clicking the job name available under "Agent Upgrade Results" page.

The agent will have a new home under agent base directory.

agent_13.  agent_13.  agent_inst  agentInstall.rsp  backup_agtup
Run the root script.
# ./

Finished product-specific root actions.
/etc exist
Agent version is now upgraded to 13.5
emctl status agent
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 5
Copyright (c) 1996, 2021 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Agent Version          :
OMS Version            :
Protocol Version       :

However, it is still running base release and need to be patched. The patches installed in the agent at this stage are
opatch lspatches

OPatch succeeded.
To patch agents in 13.5 instead of opatch the agentpatcher must be used (see 2810322.1). Download agentpatcher and install it in the new 13.5 agent home. Check the agent patcher version is the correct version for the agent RU.
agentpatcher version
AgentPatcher Version:
OPlan Version:
OsysModel build: Tue Apr 28 18:16:31 PDT 2020
Install the 13.5 agent RU3 patch (33588930) using agent patcher.
agentpatcher apply -analyze

which emctl

emctl stop agent
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 5
Copyright (c) 1996, 2021 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Stopping agent ... stopped.

agentpatcher apply
AgentPatcher Automation Tool
Copyright (c) 2021, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

AgentPatcher version :
OUI version        :
Running from       : /opt/xxx/app/software/em/agent/agent_13.
Log file location  : /opt/xxx/app/software/em/agent/agent_13.

AgentPatcher log file: /opt/xxx/app/software/em/agent/agent_13.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 33586871 passed.
WARNING: Could not apply the patch "33587645" because the " with version" core component of the "Agent" or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
WARNING: Could not apply the patch "32968787" because the "oracle.sysman.bda.discovery.plugin with version" core component of the "Agent" or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
WARNING: Could not apply the patch "32921727" because the "oracle.sysman.empa.discovery.plugin with version" core component of the "Agent" or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 33587537 passed.
WARNING: Could not apply the patch "33587676" because the "oracle.sysman.bda.agent.plugin with version" core component of the "Agent" or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 33586858 passed.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 33602498 passed.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 33455336 passed.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 33586844 passed.
WARNING: Could not apply the patch "33455281" because the "oracle.sysman.empa.agent.plugin with version" core component of the "Agent" or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
WARNING: Could not apply the patch "33587629" because the "oracle.sysman.vt.agent.plugin with version" core component of the "Agent" or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 33586784 passed.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 33587056 passed.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 33586861 passed.
WARNING: Could not apply the patch "33587519" because the "oracle.sysman.xa.agent.plugin with version" core component of the "Agent" or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
WARNING: Could not apply the patch "33587733" because the " with version" core component of the "Agent" or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
WARNING: Could not apply the patch "33586851" because the "oracle.sysman.emfa.discovery.plugin with version" core component of the "Agent" or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
WARNING: Could not apply the patch "33586864" because the "oracle.sysman.emfa.agent.plugin with version" core component of the "Agent" or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.

Running apply prerequisite checks for sub-patch(es) "33586844,33586861,33455336,33586784,33587056,33587537,33602498,33586871,33586858" and Oracle Home "/opt/xxx/app/software/em/agent/agent_13."...
Sub-patch(es) "33586844,33586861,33455336,33586784,33587056,33587537,33602498,33586871,33586858" are successfully analyzed for Oracle Home "/opt/xxx/app/software/em/agent/agent_13."

To continue, AgentPatcher will do the following:
[Patch and deploy artifacts]   :

Do you want to proceed? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y

Applying sub-patch(es) "33455336,33586784,33586844,33586858,33586861,33586871,33587056,33587537,33602498"
Please monitor log file: /opt/xxx/app/software/em/agent/agent_13.

Complete Summary

All log file names referenced below can be accessed from the directory "/opt/xxx/app/software/em/agent/agent_13."

Patching summary:

Binaries of the following sub-patch(es) have been applied successfully:

                          Featureset                                                                        Sub-patches                                                                                                             Log file
                          ----------                                                                        -----------                                                                                                             --------   33455336,33586784,33586844,33586858,33586861,33586871,33587056,33587537,33602498   33455336,33586784,33586844,33586858,33586861,33586871,33587056,33587537,33602498_opatch2022-01-17_15-25-27PM_1.log

The following sub-patches are incompatible with components installed in the Agent system:

The following warnings have occurred during OPatch execution:
1)  Could not apply the patch "33587645" because the " with version" core component of the "Agent" or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
2)  Could not apply the patch "32968787" because the "oracle.sysman.bda.discovery.plugin with version" core component of the "Agent" or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
3)  Could not apply the patch "32921727" because the "oracle.sysman.empa.discovery.plugin with version" core component of the "Agent" or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
4)  Could not apply the patch "33587676" because the "oracle.sysman.bda.agent.plugin with version" core component of the "Agent" or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
5)  Could not apply the patch "33455281" because the "oracle.sysman.empa.agent.plugin with version" core component of the "Agent" or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
6)  Could not apply the patch "33587629" because the "oracle.sysman.vt.agent.plugin with version" core component of the "Agent" or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
7)  Could not apply the patch "33587519" because the "oracle.sysman.xa.agent.plugin with version" core component of the "Agent" or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
8)  Could not apply the patch "33587733" because the " with version" core component of the "Agent" or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
9)  Could not apply the patch "33586851" because the "oracle.sysman.emfa.discovery.plugin with version" core component of the "Agent" or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
10)  Could not apply the patch "33586864" because the "oracle.sysman.emfa.agent.plugin with version" core component of the "Agent" or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
AgentPatcher Session completed with warnings.
Log file location: /opt/xxx/app/software/em/agent/agent_13.

AgentPatcher completed with warnings.

emctl start agent

Patches applied on agent
opatch lspatches
33602498;Oracle Enterprise Manager for Exadata 13c Release 5 Plug-in Update 3 ( for Oracle Management Agent (Discovery)
33587537;Oracle Enterprise Manager for Oracle Home 13c Release 5 Plug-in Update 3 ( for Oracle Management Agent
33587056;Oracle Enterprise Manager for EMREP 13c Release 5 Plug-in Update 3 ( for Oracle Management Agent
33586871;Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Release 5 Platform Update 3 ( for Oracle Management Agent
33586861;Oracle Enterprise Manager for Fusion Middleware 13c Release 5 Plug-in Update 3 ( for Oracle Management Agent
33586858;Oracle Enterprise Manager for Oracle Database 13c Release 5 Plug-in Update 3 ( for Oracle Management Agent
33586844;Oracle Enterprise Manager for Fusion Middleware 13c Release 5 Plug-in Update 3 ( for Oracle Management Agent (Discovery)
33586784;Oracle Enterprise Manager for Oracle Database 13c Release 5 Plug-in Update 3 ( for Oracle Management Agent (Discovery)
33455336;Oracle Enterprise Manager for Systems Infrastructure 13c Release 5 Plug-in Update 2 ( for Oracle Management Agent
As the last step the old 13.4 agent could be removed. This is done as a post agent upgrade task. Click on the cleanup agents and add the old 13.4 agent. It was noticed in multiple upgrades that the "installed version" for the old agent is listed as 13.5 even though correct 13.4 agent home is listed as the oracle home. Ignore this possible bug on the EM and continue with the 13.4 agent removal.

As before the agent removal progress could be monitored under job activity. Once complete view the results in cleanup-agent results page.

The old 13.4 agent directory would have been removed from the agent base location.

agent_13.  agent_inst  agentInstall.rsp
This concludes the upgrading of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control from 13.4 to 13.5.

Related Posts
Upgrading Enterprise Manager Cloud Control from 13.4 to 13.5 - 1
Upgrading Enterprise Manager Cloud Control from 13.4 to 13.5 - 2
Installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c (13.4)
Converting EM Repository DB from Non-CDB to PDB
Adding Targets on EM Cloud Control 13c
Installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c (13.3)
Installing Grid Control 11gR1 and Deploying Agents
Upgrading Grid Control 11g to 12c - 1

Useful MOS Docs
13.5: How to Upgrade AgentPatcher to the Version [ID 2810322.1]